Hi everyone
I am getting an error message that I do not understand when I try to annotate my reference file.
The error:
$ bedmap --echo --echo-map-id --delim '\t' Joined_CNVs.bed GeneIDs.bed > ret.bed
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZNSt8__detail15_List_node_base7_M_hookEPS0_
Referenced from: /Bioinf/bin/bedmap
Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZNSt8__detail15_List_node_base7_M_hookEPS0_
Referenced from: /Bioinf/bin/bedmap
Expected in: /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
Trace/BPT trap: 5
I have narrowed it down to a problem with my Joined_CNVs.bed file as the command and map file work on other reference files. Also when I copy a bit of my reference file into a new file it works. SO something must be wrong with my Jonied_CNV file. I just cant find out what it is.
A section of my reference file:
chr1 19984475 19999707 M3250110011 53.6419 Partition
chr1 19985080 20009737 M3218122111 20.8098 Partition
chr1 47879949 47925846 M3250110011 22.8606 Partition
chr1 53916576 53933856 M3218110001 21.1609 Partition
chr1 54690037 54723713 M3545122114 20.7648 Partition
my map file:
chr1 14362 29370 "WASH7P,NR_024540"
chr1 34611 36081 "FAM138A,NR_026818;FAM138C,NR_026822;FAM138F,NR_026820"
chr1 69090 70008 "OR4F5,NM_001005484"
chr1 323891 328580 "LOC100132062,NR_028325;LOC100132287,NR_028322;LOC100133331,NR_028327"
chr1 367658 368595 "OR4F16,NM_001005277;OR4F29,NM_001005221;OR4F3,NM_001005224"
chr1 566188 566265 "MIR1977,NR_031741"
The output I get when it works on a different reference file:
hr10 35956671 35985781
chr10 77154078 77201601 "NCRNA00245,NR_024421;NCRNA00245,NR_024422;ZNF503,NM_032772"
chr10 128583729 128604613 "DOCK1,NM_001380;FAM196A,NM_001039762"
chr11 1273671 1502097 "MUC5B,NM_002458";"TOLLIP,NM_019009";"LOC255512,NR_029409";"BRSK2,NM_003957";"CTSD,NM_001909;DUSP8,NM_004420;FAM99A,NR_026643;FAM99B,NR_026642;KRTAP5-1,NM_001005922;KRTAP5-2,NM_001004325;KRTAP5-3,NM_001012708;KRTAP5-4,NM_001012709;KRTAP5-5,NM_001001480;KRTAP5-6,NM_001012416;LOC338651,NR_021489;LOC402778,NM_001170820;MOB2,NM_001172223;MOB2,NM_053005"
Any suggestions to what is going wrong?