Thanks for joining the forum.
The tab delimited columns are your inputs.
The default output delimiter is '|'. You have 3 columns, the reference element is the first one, which has 12 tab-delimited columns or so. The second column is the closest element, which has 5 tab-delimited columns or so, and then the 3rd column is the distance.
You can suppress the first column (reference element) using the --no-ref option. If you are solely looking for the distances and do not care about the actual element information, then you can use the `cut` command:
closest-features --dist --closest 100_bedops_sorted.bed DBsites060517_bedops_sorted.bed | cut -f3 -d'|' > test.out
or, if you include --no-ref:
closest-features -no-ref --dist --closest 100_bedops_sorted.bed DBsites060517_bedops_sorted.bed | cut -f2 -d'|' > test.out
If you are interested in the closest element, then no `cut` is needed.
You can change the output delimiter using the --delim option.